26 June 2010

The B of the B's

Had great fun yesterday, even though I was a tad nervous at the beginning.  I had 'volunteered' to be involved in 'The Battle of the Buyers' an event that our trade magazine - Supply Management was running.  Yes you guessed it - it was the Buying exercise that you see on The Apprentice with Sir Alan (superbly replicated by Dr Dick Russill yesterday).

We were split into 2 team, given £150 and had a list of items to get to pull together for a Hamper to be launched for Charity.  Some of the items were a VHS video of a Tom Cruise video (we were on the phone at one point to the kind old ladies of Age Concern whilst they routed through their VHS collection); 2kg of Saffron (a well known Supermarket may still have 10 bags for us on hold) and a Kazoo (yes what is it).

But it was a great exercise in teamwork (there were 6 on each team - 2 teams); planning (the key to many a  good negotiation); research; sourcing and negotiation (seeing if we can get the items for free or at a discount).  Both teams had very different approaches - as the Judges said one was a Hare and the other a Tortoise. 

Read the 5th August edition of Supply Management to see who won, and thank you to my contacts and friends that helped.

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